Password reissue

Please enter your registered email address in the form below. We will send you an email with instructions for reissuing your password.
Please click the link in the email within 1 hour to have your password reissued.

*Please note that if you complete the procedure multiple times in a row, only the URL of the last email received will be valid.
*If you have registered your mobile phone email address and have set it to reject emails from your computer, you will not
receive emails from Le Creuset and will not be able to complete your registration.
Please change your settings to allow receiving emails from "".
*Password setting rules: No blank spaces, 8 or more characters, and must include 1 uppercase and lowercase alphabetic letter/number/symbol.
(Available symbols: !"”#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`|~{} )